Węgry przeżywają prawdziwy rozkwit experiential education. Mimo, stosunkowo trudnej, sytuacji politycznej – wiele organizacji pozarządowych jest bardzo aktywnych w obszarze outdoor/adventure/experiential education. Niezwykle dynamicznie rozwija się również nurt Adventure Therapy.
Po bardzo dobrze przyjętej, pierwszej węgierskiej konferencji poświęconej tej tematyce – organizatorzy postanowili zorganizować drugą, znacznie obszerniejszą edycję. Co ciekawe, udało im się zaprosić wielu międzynarodowych gości, co sprawiło, że program stał się bardzo zachęcający dla gości z poza Węgier. Świetnie się składa, właśnie się na tę konferencję wybieram. Dam znać jak było. Tymczasem opis całego przedsięwzięcia:
After so many exciting foreign conferences, trainings and the FIRST HUNGARIAN conference last year the time has come to continue the tradition and develop the community – by organizing the SECOND conference. Now we have some experience about the benefits of personal meetings, experiences, reflections and common learning.
Based on last year’s experiences we hope that there will be a very varied and diverse group of professionals, spending three exciting days together with the intention of getting to know each other, learning about themselves and getting in touch with nature also.
What is the goal of the conference?
Is to introduce – with the contribution of international and Hungarian lecturers and professionals – the approach, the methodology and the applications of experiential learning to the Hungarian professional audience, to decision makers and to the interested public.
To provide an opportunity for experiential learning professionals to introduce themselves, to network, to exchange views, to discuss professional issues (for example the vision of the future for this profession), to provide trainings for professionals.
To support the development of cooperation, to initiate community-oriented dialogues based on democratic values. To create a tradition – to start an annual conference series.
Who is this conference for?
For everybody who would like to get to know the theory and practice of experiential learning, or feels drawn to its values and would like to incorporate them into his or her practice with individuals or groups.
The conference is mainly aimed at the following professional groups:
Teachers, organizational development consultants, trainers, coaches, outdoor trainers, psychologists, therapists, social workers, high-rope course instructors, camp leaders, and other helping professionals.
The working language of the conference is: HUNGARIAN. Foreign lecturers will be aided by interpreters. For English speaker guest we provide follower-interpreters on Hungarian workshops.
What are the questions that the participants can expect to get an answer to?
What is experiential learning? (Where and how can it be applied and with what purpose?)
What is experiential education? What is it rooted in, how it grew and where is it now in Europe, in Hungary and in other parts of the world?
What is wilderness and adventure therapy? How is nature connected to the therapeutic process? Who can benefit from it? What are the indication for its use? Who applies it in Hungary and abroad, where and how?
What is experiential learning based organization, leaderships and skill development? What are its forms and applied methods?
What is outdoor training? What types of outdoor trainings are already established in Hungary? What types are already a bit outdated, and what are those types that haven’t even arrived yet?
What is the history of this profession? What are the current forms, activities and programs of this profession in Hungary and abroad?
Who practices this profession in Hungary?
How can somebody become an experiential education based trainer, professional? Where and how can it be learned? From who and what can be learned?
What kind of programs does the conference offer?
Thought-provoking, introductory plenary sessions (keynote speeches), from world-class, important foreign specialists
Lecture sessions (in panels) – project presentations with a smaller number of participants, historical, theoretical, research lectures
Workshops – practical, interactive, indoor and outdoor workshops
Aquarium roundtable – innovative roundtable talks, where the invited lecturers can engage in a specific subject and the participants can join the conversation
Word Café – a structured conversational method for larger groups that can involve all the participants of the conference and can facilitate an open discussion about a certain topic.
Recreational programs, community dinners, cultural programs (for example movie screening, interactive theater etc.)
Więcej o konferencji: http://www.osvenykonferencia.hu/#!ismerteto/cjg9
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